I love it

Verified Post by Angela Bentley
Published on 07 Aug, 2017

Ring Stands with Hand Fidget Spinner Knob Portion Function for Smart Cellphone Mount (Silver)
Price: $12.99
My Rating
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4.86 / 5   (7 Reviews)

Awesome pop socket fidget spinner. spin it around while talking on the phone or texting and put your finger in it to keep from dropping your phone. i love it, its so much fun. its very sturdy and easy to apply. it sticks on very well so i dont have to worry about it coming off. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06Y3WG67B/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

#Mikwear US #rankboosterreview #sponsored

Price: $12.99



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