Kimberly Ayers


Dec, 2017

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Kids Snow Boots

20 Feb, 2022
Love these! The colors pop and are fun! My daughter wanted to wear them even when it wasn't a snow day, she said they are her comfy puff boots! Worth the buy. They lasted two seasons. read more »

Waterproof cases

16 May, 2018
Love that it fits my phone the iPhone 6s and it fits my husbands phone the 8Plus, and you really can navighate the phones while they are in the cases, that is my favorite part! read more »

Indoor/ Outdoor Projection Screen

16 May, 2018
It came in a very nice case, opened up and the material is soft, The wrinkles from packaging fall right out so you dont see that in the screen while using. I love that we can now watch movies/ games s... read more »

Phone Stand

16 May, 2018
This stand is super handy! Wheather I'm watching video's or just tired of holding my phone to scroll through news feeds, I use it everyday! read more »

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