

Nov, 2018

Juicer Ranking






About Me

hallo! ich bin ein junger fotograf aus der nähe von bonn. ich habe mir primär auf instagram (& twitter) eine zielgruppe aufgebaut mit welche recht klein ist, aber stetig wächst. primär nutze ich instagram stories oder twitte. follower. in diesen geht es viel um meine shootings und neue sachen die ich mir gekauft habe. kabel, dongles, akkus, batterien etc. gehören in den alltag jedes fotografen und viele kleinigkeiten können einen großen unterschied machen! auf instagram schreibe ich englisch und deutsch.


i'm a photographer from germany. i build myself up a target group mainly on instagram but also on twitter. there i mostly use my stories: i talk about the stuff i use and also about the gear i bought.
as a photographer, i'm always interested in batteries, cables, dongles and stuff.

i'm starting writing amazon reviews too right now. there i review stuff in german."
Recently Reviewed
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Super produkt!

11 Jul, 2019
Ich war auf der Suche nach einem Power Delivery Adapter für mein MacBook, welcher nicht so groß ist. Mit dem PowerAdd Ladestecker bin ich endlich fündig geworden. Zwar ist er nicht so... read more »

High quality product

19 Mar, 2019
Great Charger! The batterys are very high quality. I can really recommend #EBL #sponsored read more »

High Quality as expected

19 Mar, 2019
Great Charger! The batterys are very high quality. I can really recommend #EBL #sponsored read more »

Does what it need to do

03 Feb, 2019
The Bateries and the Charger are high quality as always. My only problem is the weired shape of the charger. It doesn´t fit on my desk, but that doesn´t affect the work it does. I&ac... read more »

Perfect durable cable

12 Jan, 2019
Does everything a cable needs to do. High quality construction! But you should like the colours... I don't like them so much, but they are very durable. So never mind. #sponsored #pasway read more »

Everything needed for Camera cleaning

13 Nov, 2018
I did buy this set to clean my lens and to keep my body clean from dust. I can´t complain about the quality of the products and the product didn´t smell like cheap plastic, so it´s... read more »

Fantastic Dongle for MacBook Pro

13 Nov, 2018
This dongle has every function I need as photographer. It integrates perfectly in my desktop setup. The charaging function is pretty useful, so I can use it as "extension" for my charging... read more »

Easy charger for travelers

07 Nov, 2018
I did use it for quite some days and I can´t complain about anything. It does what it needs to do. Please not that the charger does alsways charge two bateries at the same time, so try to use a... read more »

Very good charger

07 Nov, 2018
I did use it for quite some days and I can´t complain about anything. It does what it needs to do. Please not that the charger does alsways charge two bateries at the same time, so try to use a... read more »

Very good batteries

07 Nov, 2018
Simply five batery cells. The do what they need. Each one is packed individually, so that you can transport those separately if needed. #Sponsored #EBL read more »

Good Product

07 Nov, 2018
Simply five batery cells. The do what they need. Each one is packed individually, so that you can transport those separately if needed.   #Sponsored #EBL read more »

Nothing to complain about

07 Nov, 2018
I did use it for quite some days and I can´t complain about anything. It does what it needs to do. Please not that the charger does alsways charge two bateries at the same time, so try to use a... read more »

Top Product!

07 Nov, 2018
High quality product, for a good price. I did use it for quite some days and I can´t complain about anything. It does what it needs to do. Please not that the charger does alsways charge two b... read more »

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